When will quarantine in Spain come to an end?
When will it be possible to travel around Spain? Dates, stages and conditions for returning to normal life.
Spain is returning to a regular lifestyle, but not at once and not the whole country. Unlike other European countries, where quarantine cancellation is not described with such precision, the Spaniards decided to follow their way.
1. How the Spanish government plans to quit the quarantine
On April 28, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez introduced "Plan para la transición hacia una nueva normalidad" (plan for the transition to the new normal).

This way, the government calls step-by-step relief of quarantine measures in Spain. These actions should remove the pressure from the country's economy and at the same time improve the social situation, while still preventing the epidemiological situation from worsening.

Each new stage will be associated with gradual revocation of restrictions. The lists of activities allowed to citizens will be expanded, and the area of free movement will widen.
In business, new types of activities will also become gradually permitted. Firms and private entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to increase the number of simultaneously serviced clients or the percentage of occupancy of their premises.
All of these will be introduced in stages.
In business, new types of activities will also become gradually permitted. Firms and private entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to increase the number of simultaneously serviced clients or the percentage of occupancy of their premises.
All of these will be introduced in stages.

The approximate dates for each stage of the new plan of the Government of Spain
Stages will be introduced gradually starting from the first Monday of May. Each phase will last two weeks:
Stage 0: May 4-11.
Stage I: May 11-25.
Stage II: May 25-June 8.
Stage III: June 8-22.
The arrival to the "new normal" will take eight weeks, according to the existing plan.
How to avoid getting infected with COVID-19
The main criterion for the transition to a new stage will be indicators of the epidemiological situation, tied to the number of people, newly infected with COVID-19, the number of patients undergoing treatment and the rate of spread or decrease of the virus.
At the same time, the government reserves the right to postpone the start of new phases. If the situation with the coronavirus changes for the worse, each stage may be extended, or the region can return to the previous one.
The very first revocation of quarantine measures experienced residents of regions with the best epidemiological situations in Spain. From May 4, Formentera (Balearic Islands), La Graciosa, La Gomera and El Hierro (Canary Islands) will go straight to Stage I.
By the way, scientists are trying to unravel the phenomenon of island well-being in terms of COVID-19. What is the matter here? The discipline and awareness of residents, lower population density or something else?
Stages will be introduced gradually starting from the first Monday of May. Each phase will last two weeks:
Stage 0: May 4-11.
Stage I: May 11-25.
Stage II: May 25-June 8.
Stage III: June 8-22.
The arrival to the "new normal" will take eight weeks, according to the existing plan.
How to avoid getting infected with COVID-19
The main criterion for the transition to a new stage will be indicators of the epidemiological situation, tied to the number of people, newly infected with COVID-19, the number of patients undergoing treatment and the rate of spread or decrease of the virus.
At the same time, the government reserves the right to postpone the start of new phases. If the situation with the coronavirus changes for the worse, each stage may be extended, or the region can return to the previous one.
The very first revocation of quarantine measures experienced residents of regions with the best epidemiological situations in Spain. From May 4, Formentera (Balearic Islands), La Graciosa, La Gomera and El Hierro (Canary Islands) will go straight to Stage I.
By the way, scientists are trying to unravel the phenomenon of island well-being in terms of COVID-19. What is the matter here? The discipline and awareness of residents, lower population density or something else?

2. Stage 0
Period: from May 4 to May 11.
From May 4 the whole Spain has started from the first phase — Stage 0, which will last for two weeks, until May 11. The exceptions are three regions, which have begun immediately from Stage I (see above).
Walks with children and spouses
Spending time with children and family (with those who you live) outside is allowed.
Doing sports
At this point, Spaniards can enjoy individual outdoor sports such as cycling, running, rollerblading or surfing. In this case, it will be necessary to maintain a social distance and, if possible, use personal protective equipment (wear a mask and gloves).
Individual training is allowed for professional athletes and members of professional leagues. How the requirements for social distance will be observed is not yet clear. If in single disciplines you can organize the training process, the individual training of football players or basketball players is still doubtful.
The conditions and explanations of the actions required for individual sports or family walks are not yet fully written down, and the government promises to publish everything in the nearest future.
Takeaway Business
"Small loopholes" are there for small businesses: bars and restaurants are allowed to work for takeaways and provide individual services by appointment. All the cafes should provide workers with protective equipment, and service should be personal, separation booths should also be installed. If this is not possible, the visit should be limited to one client.
It means that, for example, in the beauty salon in one room, only one master may work with one client.
Not only salons can work this way, but also other businesses that provide services, the main thing is to observe the rule of "one client indoors".
From May 4 the whole Spain has started from the first phase — Stage 0, which will last for two weeks, until May 11. The exceptions are three regions, which have begun immediately from Stage I (see above).
Walks with children and spouses
Spending time with children and family (with those who you live) outside is allowed.
Doing sports
At this point, Spaniards can enjoy individual outdoor sports such as cycling, running, rollerblading or surfing. In this case, it will be necessary to maintain a social distance and, if possible, use personal protective equipment (wear a mask and gloves).
Individual training is allowed for professional athletes and members of professional leagues. How the requirements for social distance will be observed is not yet clear. If in single disciplines you can organize the training process, the individual training of football players or basketball players is still doubtful.
The conditions and explanations of the actions required for individual sports or family walks are not yet fully written down, and the government promises to publish everything in the nearest future.
Takeaway Business
"Small loopholes" are there for small businesses: bars and restaurants are allowed to work for takeaways and provide individual services by appointment. All the cafes should provide workers with protective equipment, and service should be personal, separation booths should also be installed. If this is not possible, the visit should be limited to one client.
It means that, for example, in the beauty salon in one room, only one master may work with one client.
Not only salons can work this way, but also other businesses that provide services, the main thing is to observe the rule of "one client indoors".

3. Stage 1
Period: from May 11 to May 25.
If the first stage passes successfully, without increasing the number of people infected, there will be new things allowed.
Social contacts
Meetings of small groups of people will be allowed, provided that they have no signs of illness. It does not apply to people over 65 years and for sitting on self-isolation due to illness.
The first to be allowed to open are small shops where security measures and distance can be easily organized. Still, large shops, where the crowd is more likely to gather, remain closed.
All shops should limit the capacity up to 30% of the usual amount of customers simultaneously, and provide a minimum distance of 2 meters between people. If this is impossible, a visit to such a store is organized by appointment. People over 65 years must be served individually.
The street and weekend markets will return, provided that they work "in the open air" and the distance between the counters will be at least 2 meters.
Restaurants and hotels
The restaurants are allowed to serve food in open terraces. As for the rest, the rule of 30% occupancy and a ban on customer service inside the restaurant apply.
Hotels will be able to accept guests, but are subject to the closure of public places (SPA, swimming pools, etc.).
Restrictions are removed from the agricultural sector; all previously suspended agricultural activities are permitted.
Cultural life
Finally, it will be possible to hang out, cultural events and shows are allowed in rooms with up to 30 people, but not more than 30% of occupancy. On the street, up to 200 people can have fun at the same time, observing the social distance while sitting.
Museums will be opened, provided that occupancy is also not more than 30%, visitors should not gather in one room, but distributed evenly throughout the museum.
Professional sport
Professional athletes will have less restrictions; they will be allowed training with teammates.
Amateur sports
Gyms with contactless classes without the audience will function again. For example, you can do athletics at the stadium or play tennis with a friend on the court. Private lessons in gyms are available by appointment. Classes should not involve physical contact or the use of locker rooms.
Church service
It will be allowed to attend churches, but the occupancy rate of them should not exceed 30%.
Funerals are allowed in compliance with measures of social distance and the use of masks.
If the first stage passes successfully, without increasing the number of people infected, there will be new things allowed.
Social contacts
Meetings of small groups of people will be allowed, provided that they have no signs of illness. It does not apply to people over 65 years and for sitting on self-isolation due to illness.
The first to be allowed to open are small shops where security measures and distance can be easily organized. Still, large shops, where the crowd is more likely to gather, remain closed.
All shops should limit the capacity up to 30% of the usual amount of customers simultaneously, and provide a minimum distance of 2 meters between people. If this is impossible, a visit to such a store is organized by appointment. People over 65 years must be served individually.
The street and weekend markets will return, provided that they work "in the open air" and the distance between the counters will be at least 2 meters.
Restaurants and hotels
The restaurants are allowed to serve food in open terraces. As for the rest, the rule of 30% occupancy and a ban on customer service inside the restaurant apply.
Hotels will be able to accept guests, but are subject to the closure of public places (SPA, swimming pools, etc.).
Restrictions are removed from the agricultural sector; all previously suspended agricultural activities are permitted.
Cultural life
Finally, it will be possible to hang out, cultural events and shows are allowed in rooms with up to 30 people, but not more than 30% of occupancy. On the street, up to 200 people can have fun at the same time, observing the social distance while sitting.
Museums will be opened, provided that occupancy is also not more than 30%, visitors should not gather in one room, but distributed evenly throughout the museum.
Professional sport
Professional athletes will have less restrictions; they will be allowed training with teammates.
Amateur sports
Gyms with contactless classes without the audience will function again. For example, you can do athletics at the stadium or play tennis with a friend on the court. Private lessons in gyms are available by appointment. Classes should not involve physical contact or the use of locker rooms.
Church service
It will be allowed to attend churches, but the occupancy rate of them should not exceed 30%.
Funerals are allowed in compliance with measures of social distance and the use of masks.

4. Stage 2
Period: from May 25 to June 8.
Social contacts
Socializing is allowed in large groups for people and people who were sick before.
Travelling to the countryside
Many Spaniards have summer houses, their second homes. They are usually located on the coast, where they move as summer begins. Access to the second home at this stage will be allowed only within a province.
In the previously permitted activities and trade, the occupancy limit will increase by 40%, but with the obligation to guarantee a minimum distance of 2 meters between customers.
If it is not possible, only one client is allowed to stay inside one room.
Shopping centres
Parks and shopping centres will be open, but it will be forbidden to stay in common areas or recreation zones.
Restaurants and bars
In restaurants, cafes and bars it will be allowed to serve visitors inside, but subject to placement one at a table or with a social distance of 2 meters. Occupancy rate remains at 30%. So far the list of allowed does not include night clubs.
In hotels, guests will be allowed into common areas by organizing a social distance and occupancy rate of no more than 30%.
Schools will still be on vacation, but exceptions are being established for opening educational centres for children under six years old. The condition for their visit is the employment of both parents at work.
Cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and other similar facilities will be open with "pre-designated seats". The number of seats will be limited by 30%, and the distance between visitors is also 2 meters.
Bringing culture to the masses
At this stage, up to 400 people can gather on the street, but it is mandatory to arrange seating for each of them.
Concerts and shows can be held without mandatory seating, but with occupancy of no more than 1/3.
The occupancy rate of church premises increases to 50%.
Hunting and fishing
From now on you can go hunting and fishing, provided you have all the necessary permissions for this. In Spain, even for picking mushrooms in some regions, you need to get a license, and in some places – pass an exam.
Weddings are officially allowed from now on, but with a limited number of guests.
Social contacts
Socializing is allowed in large groups for people and people who were sick before.
Travelling to the countryside
Many Spaniards have summer houses, their second homes. They are usually located on the coast, where they move as summer begins. Access to the second home at this stage will be allowed only within a province.
In the previously permitted activities and trade, the occupancy limit will increase by 40%, but with the obligation to guarantee a minimum distance of 2 meters between customers.
If it is not possible, only one client is allowed to stay inside one room.
Shopping centres
Parks and shopping centres will be open, but it will be forbidden to stay in common areas or recreation zones.
Restaurants and bars
In restaurants, cafes and bars it will be allowed to serve visitors inside, but subject to placement one at a table or with a social distance of 2 meters. Occupancy rate remains at 30%. So far the list of allowed does not include night clubs.
In hotels, guests will be allowed into common areas by organizing a social distance and occupancy rate of no more than 30%.
Schools will still be on vacation, but exceptions are being established for opening educational centres for children under six years old. The condition for their visit is the employment of both parents at work.
Cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and other similar facilities will be open with "pre-designated seats". The number of seats will be limited by 30%, and the distance between visitors is also 2 meters.
Bringing culture to the masses
At this stage, up to 400 people can gather on the street, but it is mandatory to arrange seating for each of them.
Concerts and shows can be held without mandatory seating, but with occupancy of no more than 1/3.
The occupancy rate of church premises increases to 50%.
Hunting and fishing
From now on you can go hunting and fishing, provided you have all the necessary permissions for this. In Spain, even for picking mushrooms in some regions, you need to get a license, and in some places – pass an exam.
Weddings are officially allowed from now on, but with a limited number of guests.

5. Stage 3
Period: from June 8 to June 22.
From now on, almost all activities will be allowed, but with security measures, limited occupancy and distance maintaining.
The occupancy limit of commercial premises is increased to 50%, but with the requirement of at least two meters between people. The ban on the use of common and recreation areas in shopping centres is lifted.
Restaurants and bars
The permitted occupancy of restaurants increases to 50% of the regular number of seats.
In bars, clients are allowed to stand with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between each other.
Nightlife is finally back!
Nightclubs and night bars can be open with a maximum occupancy of 1/3.
A two-metre social distance is obligatory if you want to spend time on the beach.
Second residence
Spaniards are allowed to travel to a second residence (country houses) in various provinces, provided that these provinces are going through the same stage.
From now on, almost all activities will be allowed, but with security measures, limited occupancy and distance maintaining.
The occupancy limit of commercial premises is increased to 50%, but with the requirement of at least two meters between people. The ban on the use of common and recreation areas in shopping centres is lifted.
Restaurants and bars
The permitted occupancy of restaurants increases to 50% of the regular number of seats.
In bars, clients are allowed to stand with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between each other.
Nightlife is finally back!
Nightclubs and night bars can be open with a maximum occupancy of 1/3.
A two-metre social distance is obligatory if you want to spend time on the beach.
Second residence
Spaniards are allowed to travel to a second residence (country houses) in various provinces, provided that these provinces are going through the same stage.

6. "New normal"
After moving into the "new normal" phase, any permitted activities must be carried out in safety, self-defence and social distance. What does it mean?
Enterprises and entrepreneurs whose work is permitted at this stage must follow certain rules: from occupancy of the premises to the organization of the required distance between clients and employees. All rooms and equipment must be disinfected: treatment with special solutions and regular ventilation.
The lives of ordinary Spaniards will also change, and they will have to get used to the new rules. To prevent the spread of infection, it is recommended that citizens wear masks outside and indoors in situations "where social distance cannot be guaranteed". All hygiene regulations must be observed; people should wash hands or use sanitizers.
Any access to public places will require wearing gloves and masks. It will be vital to reduce the frequency of social contact and avoid touching or hugging others. For Spaniards with their habits and communication rituals, this will not be easy.
We hope that this step-by-step, logical and flexible plan will allow Spain to avoid further worsening of the economic situation and helps to get rid of all the negative consequences as quickly as possible.
Enterprises and entrepreneurs whose work is permitted at this stage must follow certain rules: from occupancy of the premises to the organization of the required distance between clients and employees. All rooms and equipment must be disinfected: treatment with special solutions and regular ventilation.
The lives of ordinary Spaniards will also change, and they will have to get used to the new rules. To prevent the spread of infection, it is recommended that citizens wear masks outside and indoors in situations "where social distance cannot be guaranteed". All hygiene regulations must be observed; people should wash hands or use sanitizers.
Any access to public places will require wearing gloves and masks. It will be vital to reduce the frequency of social contact and avoid touching or hugging others. For Spaniards with their habits and communication rituals, this will not be easy.
We hope that this step-by-step, logical and flexible plan will allow Spain to avoid further worsening of the economic situation and helps to get rid of all the negative consequences as quickly as possible.

7. What will be allowed? And when?
Each municipality has its own rules.
The Spanish Government's transition plan establishes general rules and each municipality or province may impose its restrictions or easings.
In Andalusia, for example, it is believed that the ideal way to avoid infection is to separate the people of different ages in social activities: older people can walk in the morning (between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.), and children can be outside in the afternoon (between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.). Andalusia also plans to open bars and restaurants as early as May 25, but with a 30 minutes time limit for breakfast and 90 minutes for lunch and dinner. Restaurants can serve a maximum of 4 visitors at one table, making an exception for families. But they will not be allowed to "share food", so ordering one giant paella for all will not work.
In Catalonia, where the number of sick people is high, on the contrary, they plan to impose additional restrictions.
In the Canary Islands, where there are very few cases of the virus, the population is divided into two parts: those living in even and odd houses. Those who live in houses with even numbers can go out on even-numbered days, and those who live in houses with odd numbers will be able to go out on odd-numbered days. Soon the government of the Canary Islands is going to open hotels and restaurants with a limited capacity of 50%.
When will travelling be allowed?
Travelling around Spain outside a province or island will at best be allowed from June 22, provided that the regions move to the "new normal" stage. The rule will only apply to places that are in equal stages. In other words, if Madrid is still in an earlier stage, it will not be possible to travel to the Canary Islands from there.
Holidays in Europe or abroad are not yet available to Spaniards soon. The government demanded "caution" referring to European agreements, which limit or restrict most international flights.
When will it be possible to go to work?
Until the end of the third stage (at best by June 22), there is a rule of remote work for Spaniards, exceptions will be made for some permitted activities.
In the third phase (from June 8), certain categories of staff will be allowed to work.
For now, the Spanish Government's main strategy is to continue to encourage businesses to organize remote work for as many employees as possible. Official documents name it as "flexible working conditions".
Schoolchildren are on vacation until September, pre-schools for kids under six years old take them only if both parents work.
Students who complete the educational cycle (4th from the ESO, 2nd from the Baccalaureate and 2nd from the FP) will be able to attend classes voluntarily from May 25 in groups up to 15 people. Educational centres for university preparation and entrance exams will also be open.
The Spanish Government's transition plan establishes general rules and each municipality or province may impose its restrictions or easings.
In Andalusia, for example, it is believed that the ideal way to avoid infection is to separate the people of different ages in social activities: older people can walk in the morning (between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.), and children can be outside in the afternoon (between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.). Andalusia also plans to open bars and restaurants as early as May 25, but with a 30 minutes time limit for breakfast and 90 minutes for lunch and dinner. Restaurants can serve a maximum of 4 visitors at one table, making an exception for families. But they will not be allowed to "share food", so ordering one giant paella for all will not work.
In Catalonia, where the number of sick people is high, on the contrary, they plan to impose additional restrictions.
In the Canary Islands, where there are very few cases of the virus, the population is divided into two parts: those living in even and odd houses. Those who live in houses with even numbers can go out on even-numbered days, and those who live in houses with odd numbers will be able to go out on odd-numbered days. Soon the government of the Canary Islands is going to open hotels and restaurants with a limited capacity of 50%.
When will travelling be allowed?
Travelling around Spain outside a province or island will at best be allowed from June 22, provided that the regions move to the "new normal" stage. The rule will only apply to places that are in equal stages. In other words, if Madrid is still in an earlier stage, it will not be possible to travel to the Canary Islands from there.
Holidays in Europe or abroad are not yet available to Spaniards soon. The government demanded "caution" referring to European agreements, which limit or restrict most international flights.
When will it be possible to go to work?
Until the end of the third stage (at best by June 22), there is a rule of remote work for Spaniards, exceptions will be made for some permitted activities.
In the third phase (from June 8), certain categories of staff will be allowed to work.
For now, the Spanish Government's main strategy is to continue to encourage businesses to organize remote work for as many employees as possible. Official documents name it as "flexible working conditions".
Schoolchildren are on vacation until September, pre-schools for kids under six years old take them only if both parents work.
Students who complete the educational cycle (4th from the ESO, 2nd from the Baccalaureate and 2nd from the FP) will be able to attend classes voluntarily from May 25 in groups up to 15 people. Educational centres for university preparation and entrance exams will also be open.

And most importantly: when can I watch football?
The Sports Council of the Spanish government, the Football Federation and La Liga intend to continue the season on June 6. Theoretically, starting from the 2nd stage (25th May-8th June), when professional athletes are allowed to train and compete without spectators, La Liga may resume.
But remember that the rule of stages depends on the situation in a particular province or even municipality. It may happen that by June 6, not everyone will be in the right stage.
Barcelona and Madrid have become one of the most dangerous cities in terms of the spread of COVID-19 and may fall behind the overall schedule. It is impossible to predict if they start a season on June 6, taking into account financial and reputational problems in the leading clubs and the refusal of some players to enter the field because of the virus.
So far we can only hope that we will see incomparable Spanish football, albeit without the audience and only on TV, until next year.
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The Sports Council of the Spanish government, the Football Federation and La Liga intend to continue the season on June 6. Theoretically, starting from the 2nd stage (25th May-8th June), when professional athletes are allowed to train and compete without spectators, La Liga may resume.
But remember that the rule of stages depends on the situation in a particular province or even municipality. It may happen that by June 6, not everyone will be in the right stage.
Barcelona and Madrid have become one of the most dangerous cities in terms of the spread of COVID-19 and may fall behind the overall schedule. It is impossible to predict if they start a season on June 6, taking into account financial and reputational problems in the leading clubs and the refusal of some players to enter the field because of the virus.
So far we can only hope that we will see incomparable Spanish football, albeit without the audience and only on TV, until next year.
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Thanks for reading! If you are interested in Spanish real estate, please, open our catalogue and choose an appropriate property. Take care of yourself and subscribe to the Virtoproprety social media to see future articles!