The 25 cheapest municipalities to buy a house in Spain – less than 500 euros per square metre
Where is the most affordable property to look for in Spain? Is it far from the coast? And where the most affordable municipalities in each Autonomous Community?
The cheapest municipality in Spain is located in the province of Toledo. El Carpio de Tajo has the cheapest square metre – an average of 304 euros/m2, according to a study by idealista as for July 2021.
The top of the five cheapest municipalities is completed by the Palencia town of Barruelo de Santullán (383 euros/m2) and three other municipalities in Castilla-La Mancha: Cebolla in Toledo (401 euros/m2) and the towns of Almadén (407 euros/m2) and Herencia (413 euros/m2), in the province of Ciudad Real. Sixth place goes to Mota del Cuervo in Cuenca (416 euros/m2).
The top of the five cheapest municipalities is completed by the Palencia town of Barruelo de Santullán (383 euros/m2) and three other municipalities in Castilla-La Mancha: Cebolla in Toledo (401 euros/m2) and the towns of Almadén (407 euros/m2) and Herencia (413 euros/m2), in the province of Ciudad Real. Sixth place goes to Mota del Cuervo in Cuenca (416 euros/m2).
Also below 450 euros per square metre are Malagón in Ciudad Real (426 euros/m2), Horcajo de Santiago in Cuenca (432 euros/m2) and Torralba de Calatrava in Ciudad Real (438 euros/m2). Besides, Castillas is Puerto Serrano (439 euros/m2), in the province of Cádiz, followed by Portillo de Toledo in Toledo (441 euros/m2), Carrión de Calatrava in Ciudad Real (445 euros/m2) and the Valencian municipality of La Pobla Llarga (448 euros/m2).
The ranking continues with the municipality of Moclín in Granada (456 euros/m2) and Tobarra in Albacete (456 euros/m2). Next come Bullas in Murcia (457 euros/m2), Bembibre in León (457 euros/m2), Pinos Puente in Granada (468 euros/m2), Briviesca in Burgos (473 euros/m2), Miguel Esteban in Toledo (476 euros/m2), Gerindote also in Toledo (476 euros/m2) and Castuera in Badajoz (481 euros/m2). The last 3 places are occupied by Calera y Chozas in Toledo (482 euros/m2), Chirivel in Almería (482 euros/m2) and Balaguer in Lleida (486 euros/m2).
The ranking continues with the municipality of Moclín in Granada (456 euros/m2) and Tobarra in Albacete (456 euros/m2). Next come Bullas in Murcia (457 euros/m2), Bembibre in León (457 euros/m2), Pinos Puente in Granada (468 euros/m2), Briviesca in Burgos (473 euros/m2), Miguel Esteban in Toledo (476 euros/m2), Gerindote also in Toledo (476 euros/m2) and Castuera in Badajoz (481 euros/m2). The last 3 places are occupied by Calera y Chozas in Toledo (482 euros/m2), Chirivel in Almería (482 euros/m2) and Balaguer in Lleida (486 euros/m2).
TOP 25 cheapest towns in Spain
The most affordable municipalities in each Autonomous Community in Spain
In addition to the regions with municipalities in the top 25 positions, one more autonomous region has a market price below 500 euros: this is Galicia, where the cheapest municipality is O Covelo in Pontevedra at 489 euros per square metre.
Next is the cheapest town in La Rioja, Nalda, where they ask an average of 516 euros/m2; followed by Asturias, San Martín del Rey Aurelio (550 euros/m2), Aragón, Ejea de los Caballeros (597 euros/m2); Cantabria, Corvera de Toranzo (680 euros/m2); Madrid, Fuentidueña del Tajo (745 euros/m2); and Navarra, Cintruénigo (759 euros/m2).
The most expensive is the Balearic Islands, where its cheapest municipality (Petra) has an average price of 1,173 euros/m2 followed by Tanque in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (907 euros/m2) and Carranza in Vizcaya (798 euros/m2).
Next is the cheapest town in La Rioja, Nalda, where they ask an average of 516 euros/m2; followed by Asturias, San Martín del Rey Aurelio (550 euros/m2), Aragón, Ejea de los Caballeros (597 euros/m2); Cantabria, Corvera de Toranzo (680 euros/m2); Madrid, Fuentidueña del Tajo (745 euros/m2); and Navarra, Cintruénigo (759 euros/m2).
The most expensive is the Balearic Islands, where its cheapest municipality (Petra) has an average price of 1,173 euros/m2 followed by Tanque in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (907 euros/m2) and Carranza in Vizcaya (798 euros/m2).
The cheapest town in each Spanish Autonomous Communities
Cheap property in Spain
Cheap property in Spain
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